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EGGA meetings and conferences
EGGA, European General Galvanizers Association, organizes every year two conferences where members of the environmental, technical and marketing committees meet to discuss issues common to the galvanizing industry in Europe. At the committee meeting normally all member countries of EGGA are represented by employers of the national associations. In connection to the committee meetings also EGGA’s board meeting takes place. The board of EGGA consists of the chairmen of the national associations.In addition to the committee meetings, EGGA also arrange a galvanizing conference each year. Every three years, there is a larger conference called “Inter Galva”, with participants from all over the world. The two years in between there is a smaller conference called “EGGA Assembly” with participants from Europe.
Below there are summaries from committee meetings, EGGA Assemblies and Intergalva conferences:
Intergalva 2018 in Berlin
The big worldwide galvanizing conference Intergalva 2018 was performed at Estrel Hotel in Berlin – Europe’s Largest Hotel, Congress and Entertainment Centre, with 1125 rooms and suites, four restaurants, three bars, a beer garden and a modern wellness & fitness area. This Intergalva had most participants ever, both in form of delegates and exhibitors. For me it was my 6:th Intergalva, and I think it was the best one, both in terms of presentations and exhibitions. For the people I spoke with it seems like most of them agree with me. The exhibition had a very smart layout, with a big bar in form of a kettle (of course hosted by Pilling!) in the centre of the room, and the other exhibitors arranged around them. Read more below….
EGGA Assembly 2017 in Prague
This summer EGGA Assembly was arranged in Prague in the Czech republic. The conference started with information about the galvanizing business in Czech Republic and Slovakia, and after that a followed a series of presentations in both market, environment and technology area. Below is a summary of the presentations given.
Michal Lesay, presiden of he Czech and Slovak Galvanizers Association, Asociace českých a slovenských zinkoven (ACSZ) started with a presentation about their association. ACSC was established in 1995, and have been member of EGGA since 1996, as the first member from former Eastern block. Read more below…
EGGA Assembly 2016 in Seville
The EGGA Assembly 2016 was arranged in Seville in Spain 6-8 June. After a welcome speach from the president of EGGA, the conference started with a presentation from the Spanish galvanizing association, ATEG. Javier Sabadell, ATEG, informed about the galvanizing industry in Spain. The economy in Spain has been bad during the latest years, and the unemployment is high, all of 24,4 % in 2014. A slight improvement is now seen, and the unemployment is expected to going down to around 18.2%. Traditionally a large part of buildings and constructions in Spain are made of concrete and stone, but the consumption of cement is going down and steel structures now are an important sector for the Spanish economy. Because of the bad financial situation, renovations and rehabilitation in the society has gone down during recent years. The investments in new official buildings and constructions are very low, and only necessary maintenance of already existing constructions is performed. Read more…
Intergalva 2015 in Liverpool
Intergalva, the large worldwide galvanizing conference held every three year, was this time located in Liverpool, England. The conference covers technical, commercial and environmental topics for the general hot dip galvanizing industry. Tim Straker, chairman of Galvanizers Association UK, told us in the opening speech: “Liverpool is a city known for music and football but not for holding big conferences, so many people was surprised about this decision. But it seems to be a popular choice; speakers included this conference has over 600 delegates from 53 countries”.
EGGA autumn committee meetings was held in Liverpool 19-21 of November. Liverpool is also the city for the worldwide galvanizing conference Intergalva 2015. Below is a summary of what was discussed in the comittees.
One quite important question for those who use lead in the zinc bath is the suggested EU classification of lead metal for reproductive toxicity, which means a limitation of lead in consumer products. From the beginning the suggested limit was 0,03 %. According to latest news the new limit is proposed to be 0,3%. Lead is used as an addition to the galvanizing bath in many countries, and it is known to improve the process. For those that use recycled zinc for galvanizing it will be hard to stay below the suggested limit value. Read more below…