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Below you will find summaries from annual and member meetings but also other information of interest for association members.

Presentations from NG conference and annual meeting in Lund 22-23 April 2019

Below are the material that we got from the speakers that gave presentations at the conference. For “Power of the mind” by Lennart Hjelm and “Galvanizing in China” by Ulf Larsson, Impex Sölvesborg AB, there was no material to chare.

Presentations from NG conference and annual meeting in Silkeborg 22-23 May 2018

Presentations from NG conference and annual meeting in Kokkola 20 April 2017

Nordic Galvanizers study trip to Belgium and Netherlands 6-7 October 2016

Nordic Galvanizers årsmöte och konferens 2015 i Stockholm
Den 7-8 maj var det dags för Nordic Galvanizers årliga vårkonferens som även omfattar föreningens årsmöte. Konferensen var förlagd till Clarion Hotel Sign i centrala Stockholm och samlade ca 60 deltagare. Efter den sedvanliga gemensamma buffélunchen och välkomsthälsning av föreningens ordförande Bill Carlsson inleddes konferensprogrammet med ett föredrag av arkitekten Per Johansson från arkitektkontoret Joliark, som ligger bakom flera av de byggnader med varmförzinkad fasad som byggts i Stockholmsområdet på senare tid.
By cooperation with the Belgian-Dutch galvanizers association Zinkinfo Benelux, NG had the opportunity to visit three very interesting plants in Belgium and Netherlands in the beginning of October. We met at a hotel close to Brussels airport for lunch, and took a bus to our first destination Verzinkerij Meerveldhoven in Netherlands, not far from the Belgian border. We were welcomed to this very interesting plant by the third generation owner Roel Sweegers, who started with a short presentation of the plant. “We work with small customers, that is our speciality. We have many different possibilities here, electro plating, spin galvanizing in two different lines, galvanizing in a 7,20 x 1,80 x 3,25 m kettle, spray galvanizing, and both wet and powder painting. Since we can offer all that in the same plant, we can also be a little bit more expensive. It is still more economic for our customers, since they can have several different treatments at the same place and from the same company”. Read more below…

Nordic Galvanizers conference and annual meeting in Stockholm 2015

Nordic Galvanizers spring conference and annual meeting was held in Stockholm May 7th. The conference was located at the Clarion Hotel Sign in the city center and gathered about 60 participants. After the traditional buffet lunch and welcome speech by the association’s president, Bill Carlsson, the conference started with a presentation by the architect Per Johansson from architect company Joliark, which is behind many of the houses with galvanized façade, recently built in the Stockholm area. Read more below…